How to Hybrid - a Guide for your Hybrid Participation

September 02, 2021 by Thomas Thurner

We are now close to the conference. After this long pause we had with our conference due the pandemic, we are happy to be back again.  This article contains important information and instructions on the hybrid conference set up, how participants can enter and how speakers can give their presentations.  Although we all have experience with online conferences, managing the hybrid situation is a bit more challenging for all parties involved.  Let’s prepare a little bit to guarantee a smooth and safe experience onsite and online. 

Guide for visitors

Onsite visitors:

  • You are welcome to the Meervaart Theater on Monday from 8:30 on. Please go to Theater de Meervaart, Meer en Vaart 300, 1068 LE, Amsterdam
  • To enter the venue, you will need to show you have been tested, vaccinated or recovered from COVID - the so-called “Green Pass”. You can bring your proof in the Corona-Check-App (QR code) or on paper. 
  • Once inside the venue please follow the COVID measures, so please take a seat when tables/seats are available, follow the instructions of the Meervaart COVID personnel and use the hand sanitizers which are available in all rooms
  • Please bring your valid ONSITE Ticket with you.
  • We have organized a dinner on Tuesday evening, we love to see you there and have a chat. In case you want to join, please get a ticket (EUR 40,-) at the registration desk or online:

Online visitors:

  • Please log in at conference hours using the ZOOM link with the access credentials you got together with your ticket
  • The virtual conference bag is available at:
  • Please bring your valid ONLINE Ticket with you.
  • Once logged in, please go to the breakout room with the talk of your interest or visit a booth of our sponsors.

Guide for ONSITE Speakers

1) Before the conference

  • Ensure that at least one author of your talk has a valid ONSITE Ticket and is present onsite
  • Please do not forget to deliver your presentation (PDF or Google Slides) to by 01.09.2021!

2) Entering the conference

  • as described in the Guide for visitors above

3) Holding your talk

  • Be in the room 15 min before the session starts and look for your session chair
  • You get a microphone and a slide clicker
  • The session chair puts your presentation on from the slides you provided to us
  • There will be technical support onsite. Look out for people with SEMANTiCS T-Shirts

Guide for ONLINE Speakers

1) Before the conference

  • You will receive a follow-up email with an illustrated leaflet that guides you through the login and presentation process.
  • Ensure that at least one author of your talk has a valid ONLINE Ticket and has received the ZOOM link with the access credentials
  • Please do not forget to deliver your presentation (PDF or Google Slides) to by today!

2) Entering the conference

  • as described in the Guide for visitors above

3) Holding your talk

  • Enter your session by choosing the Break Out Room (as given in the conference program: 15 min before the session starts!
  • Ensure your microphone & camera are working!
  • Mute yourself!
  • When the chair announces your talk de-mute yourself and shares your screen with your slides (from your computer)!
  • In case you lose connection, re-enter the room.
  • For urgent matters pls. contact or go to the speaker’s helpdesk room in ZOOM