Using the SANSA Stack on a 38 Billion Triple Ethereum Blockchain Dataset


SANSA is the first open source project that allows out of the box horizontally scalable analytics for large knowledge graphs. The talk will cover the main features of SANSA introducing its different layers namely, RDF, Query, Inference and Machine Learning. The talk also covers a large-scale Etherum blockchain use case at Alethio, a spinoff company of Consensys. 
Alethio is building an analytics dashboard that strives to provide transparency over what’s happening on the Ethereum p2p network, the transaction pool and the blockchain in order to provide “blockchain archaeology”. Their 6 billion triple dataset contains large-scale blockchain transaction data modelled as RDF according to the structure of the Ethereum ontology. 
Alethio chose to work with SANSA after experimenting with other existing engines.  Specifically, the initial goal of Alethio was to load a 2TB EthOn dataset containing more than 6 billion triples and then performing several analytic queries on it with up to three inner joins.
SANSA has successfully provided a platform that allows running these queries.


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