STIP Compass or how to make the most of analytical surveys


“STIP Compass” the EC-OECD international Database of Science, Technology and Innovation was launched 26 April 2018. It is a joint effort between both the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which provides information on over 7000 policy initiatives from more than 50 countries, collected  through the EC-OECD STI Policy Survey. The EC-OECD STI Survey, is an analytical survey, developed and maintained  in an XML/Triple store, entirely based on taxonomies and completed online using an Open Source application. The questions and responses, part of responses are semantically enriched with the Innovation taxonomy, stored as triples and available for discovery and analysis through the fully semantic STIP Compass reading assistant and its over 500 dynamic dashboards enabling in-depth policy discovery, comparison and analysis of the knowledge contained in survey responses, online journals and publications through the extensive exploitation of linked data functionality.


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