Solid – Best shape your data to make data sharing easier


This workshop will give you an overview of where we are now in our journey to realize the Solid ambitions. Starting with an overview of the latest developments in the Solid ecosystem and the value of Solid for the different participants in the Solid ecosystem, we dive into the developer journey for creating Solid apps using reusable UI and server components. 

Main/Breakout Room
The Solid Ecosystem – an introduction (Ghent University, Ruben Verborgh)
Beyond Facebook: How Solid will disrupt the personal data economy (Digita, Tom Haegemans)
Improve application interoperability through semantic components Digita, Wouter Janssens)
Flemish government solid plans made concrete through My Citizen Profile (Digital Flanders, Goedele Van der Spiegel)
Solid-based collection registration system pilot for small heritage organizations (Dutch Digital Heritage Network, Enno Meijers)
How universities can contribute to Solid with their research projects (Ghent University-IDLab-imec, Pieter Colpaert)

Tuesday, September 7, 2021 - 09:00 to 12:30
Pieter van Everdingen, PLDN // Joep Meindertsma, CEO of Argu and Ontola