Third International Workshop On Semantics And The Web For Transport (Sem4Tra2021)

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Monday, September 6, 2021 - 09:00 to 12:30

Organized by: 

David Chaves Fraga, Postdoctoral Researcher, OEG - UPM
Marco Comerio, Senior Researcher, CEFRIEL
Mario Scrocca, Assistant Researcher, CEFRIEL
Mersedeh Sadeghi, Senior Researcher, University of Cologne
Pieter Colpaert, Appointed Professor at Ghent University, IDLab IMEC

Smart Cities could not be realized without envisioning a change towards the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) paradigm for integrated and intelligent transportation. MaaS improves every aspect of transportation from ticketing to navigation, from traffic to parking management and from car/bike sharing to door-to-door travel. However, to make MaaS a reality, challenges in data integration must be addressed. The development of multimodal travel information, planning and booking services, and the interoperability between business applications are currently limited due to the fragmentation and incompatibility of interchange formats and protocols both within and across transport sectors. This workshop seeks to advance MaaS through Semantic Web, Linked Data and Knowledge Graph techniques. In-scope are methods to query and reason over integrated data on the web that can help an end-user to plan and book a trip from A to B. We target researchers and practitioners who are contributing to the transformation of the transportation sector by proposing new solutions based on semantic techniques and technologies, to realize MaaS objectives. The workshop is an opportunity for disseminating and discussing use cases and studies showing the application of semantic and web technologies in the transport domain to tackle the aforementioned challenges.


Session 1 (09:00 - 10:30): Mobility as a Service on the Web

  • Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Sem4Tra Workshop
  • Keynote: Kasia Bourée, expert within the European project Data4PT. "Transmodel in RDF?" 
  • Third-party payment specification for Mobility as a Service -- Brecht Van de Vyvere|Tim Asperges|Pieter Colpaert|Ruben Verborgh
  • Towards a More Informed Multimodal Travel Shopping -- Mario Scrocca|Marco Comerio|Damiano Scandolari|Irene Celino
  • Linked MaaS: a vision for leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for Mobility as a Service -- Shams Ghazy|Jing Ying Wong|Pieter Colpaert|Yu Hoe Tang|Andy Chan
  • Q&A

15 minutes - break

Session 2 (10:45 - 11:45): Semantic Data Management for Transport

  • Journal paper presentation: Publishing planned, live and historical public transport data on the Web with the Linked Connections framework -- Julian Rojas|Pieter Colpaert
  • Semantic Conversion of Transport Data Adopting Declarative Mappings: an Evaluation of Performance and Scalability -- Mario Scrocca|Alessio Carenini|Marco Comerio|Irene Celino
  • On the visualization of semantic-based mappings -- Nicolò Oreste Pinciroli Vago|Mario Sacaj|Mersedeh Sadeghi|Safia Kalwar|Andreas vogelsang|Matteo G. Rossi
  • Enabling Cross-Border Travel Offers Through National Access Point Federation via Metadata Harmonisation -- Alessio Carenini|Andrea Fiano|Mario Scrocca|Marco Comerio|Irene Celino
  • Q&A


  • Alessio Carenini, Cefriel
  • Edna Ruckhaus, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Irene Celino, Cefriel
  • Julián Rojas, imec - IDLab UGent 
  • Matteo Giovanni Rossi, Politecnico di Milano
  • Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Ruben Taelman, Ghent University - imec
  • Alireza Javadian Sabet, Politecnico di Milano
  • Julián Arenas Guerrero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Shams Ghazy, University of Nottingham
  • Marjan Hosseini, University of Connecticut
  • Mahsa Shekari, Politecnico di Milano
  • Umutcan Simsek, STI Innsbruck

External Site for further information:

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