1st Workshop on Squaring the Circle on Graphs

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Monday, September 6, 2021 - 09:00 to 12:30

There is no questioning, nowadays, the importance of Knowledge Graphs, for building insight from the overwhelming abundance of data produced by organizations and their environment. There is much debate, on the other hand, about what the best tools are to build such Knowledge Graphs. Semantic Graphs, based on RDF and the principles of Linked Data, rely on solid theoretical foundations for reasoning with ontologies, and on IRIs and shared vocabularies for Web scale interoperability. Property Graphs, as implemented in a number of commercial and open-source systems, provide a flexible and intuitive data model, coupled with efficient traversal-based query languages and analytics tools.

The goal of this workshop is to report and share experiences from industry and academia, on using, comparing, and bridging the gap between these two kinds of graphs. The expected outcome is a better understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two paradigms, and the emergence of tools and methods allowing to get the best of both worlds.

This workshop will be collocated with SEMANTiCS 2021 EU.

Program of the workshop

The workshop will take place on Monday 6 Septembet 2021. All times below in CEST.

9:00 Introduction
9:15 Keynote: Property Graph Schema Working Group: where we are today, and what’s next (Jan Hidders, Birkbeck / University of London & Juan Sequeda, data.world)
10:00 Q&A
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 First paper session
Graph? Yes! Which one? Help! (O. Lassila et al.)
Knowledge Graph Publication and Browsing Using Neo4J (G. Atemezing et al.)
11:30 Second paper session:
Digital Transformation using chunks as a simple abstraction above triples and property graphs (D. Ragget)
PREC: Semantic Translation of Property Graphs (J. Bruyat et al.)
Using automotive property graph based data models in a knowledge graph (A. O'Mahony et al.)
12:30 Workshop end

Organizing Committee

Pierre-Antoine Champin, ERCIM/W3C
Pierre-Antoine Champin is a W3C fellow, and an associate professor in Computer Science at Universite de Lyon (France), currently in a sabbatical at ERCIM. His main research interests are Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web. He was involved in a number of Semantic Web related standardization groups, including LDP, RDF 1.1 and JSON-LD 1.1 (as an editor). Recently, he lead a Community Group effort around the specification of RDFstar, an evolution of RDF aiming at bridging the gap with Property Graphs.
David Bowden, Dell Technologies
David Bowden is a Principal Research Scientist with Dell Technologies in its ORO European research group in Ireland. His primary areas of research are semantic models, IoT and edge to cloud orchestration. He has a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and another in Cloud Computing. Prior to joining Dell Technologies, David worked in a broad range of industries from Airlines to Finance, Public Utilities to Broadcasting, and has has over 40 years experience in the IT industry.

Program Committee

  • James Anderson (datagraph)
  • Ghislain Auguste Atemezing (Mondeca)
  • Jerven Bolleman (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
  • Angela Bonifati (Univ. of Lille 1 and Inria)
  • Arnaud Castelltort (Montpellier)
  • Jos De Roo (UGent)
  • Bob Ducharme (sel)
  • George H. L. Fletcher (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Olaf Hartig (Linköping University)
  • Gregg Kellogg
  • Pavel Klinov (Stardog Union)
  • Ora Lassila (Amazon Web Services)
  • Maxime Lefrançois (MINES Saint-Etienne)
  • Franck Michel (Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, I3S, France)
  • Marco Neumann (KONA)
  • Blake Regalia (University of California, Santa Barbara)
  • François Scharffe (Knowledge Graph Conference)
  • Andy Seaborne (Apache Software Foundation)
  • Dominik Tomaszuk (University of Bialystok, Institute of Informatics)
  • William Van Woensel (University of Dalhousie)
  • Peter Winstanley (Semantic Arts)

Registration to this workshop

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