Our journey into Semantics ; how to contextualize the meaning of Semantics for your organization


How do you convince a well-run IT department to expand its horizon into the world of Semantics? How can you explain to business users the need to incorporate Semantics? What are the types of investments one has to make to start? What are the tools/techniques that best support Semantics and fit withing our organization? These are some of the fundamental questions one runs into when there is an inkling that this ‘new’ thing called Semantics may be beneficial to a company.

In his presentation Ivo Willems will share the journey Fluor Corporation took. Focused on the organizational aspects more so than the technical, this presentation will highlight some pragmatic steps, difficult decisions and chosen approaches. Within this all, the technical solutions Fluor opted for are not forgotten.


PDF icon S2.0 Fluor.SEMANTiCS.v1.0-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf


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