Interlinking Valency Frames and WordNet Synsets in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin

Research & Innovation

This paper describes the steps taken to model a valency lexicon for Latin (Latin Vallex) according to the principles of the Linguistic Linked Open Data standards, and to interlink its valency frames with the lexical senses recorded in a manually checked subset of the Latin WordNet. The valency lexicon and the WordNet share lexical entries and are part of the LiLa Knowledge Base, which interlinks multiple linguistic resources for Latin. After describing the overall architecture of LiLa, as well as the structure of the lexical entries of Latin Vallex and Latin WordNet, the paper focusses on how valency frames have been modelled in LiLa, in line with a submodule of the Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) specifically created for the representation of grammatical valency. A mapping of the valency frames and the WordNet synsets assigned to the lexical entries shared by the two resources is detailed, as well as a number of queries that can be run across the interoperable resources for Latin currently included in LiLa.


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