The Data Platform of the Future - Large Base Registries of the Netherlands


​The Dutch cadastre has taken the lead by developing the geospatial data platform of the future and releasing it as beta in July 2016, on This platform offers a semi-automated transformation from geospatial data (such as WFS, GML) to Linked Data (RDF), and on top of that APIs, including a SPARQL endpoint, view, test & documentation environment. This platform is open for Dutch governments, and has been used to make the first two official key registers of the Dutch governments as Linked Open Data & APIs, the first registers as so called 5 star open data, the desired format for all open data. The platform is continuously improving itself offering new functionalities in upcoming releases including a quality dashboard, a feedback function and datasets to be continuously added. So far it is the biggest implementation of Linked Data in the Netherlands.

At Kadaster/PDOK we offer more than 100 datasets (from different government organisations) as geospatial services.  This talk will address the innovative new data platform for transforming and publishing these datasets as linked data. The datasets offered include several base registries such as the Building and Addresses data of the Netherlands (1.2 billion triples), with daily updates. Open sparql endpoints are available, and one of the latest addition are "Data Stories", the ability to create and store sparql queries and create a story with the data, and share it on a website.


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