Accelerating biomedical discovery with an Internet of FAIR data and services

Research & Innovation

With its focus on improving the health and well being of people, biomedicine has always been a fertile, if not challenging domain for computational discovery science. Indeed, the existence of millions of scientific articles, thousands of databases, and hundreds of ontologies, offer exciting opportunities to reuse our collective knowledge, were we not stymied by incompatible formats, overlapping and incomplete vocabularies, unclear licensing, and heterogeneous access points. In this talk, I will discuss our work to create computational standards, platforms, and methods to wrangle knowledge into simple, but effective representations based on semantic web technologies that are maximally FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuseable - and to further use these for biomedical knowledge discovery. But only with additional crucial developments will this emerging Internet of FAIR data and services, which is built on Semantic Web technologies, be well positioned to support automated scientific discovery on a global scale.


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