
Ontotext is a global leader in enterprise knowledge graph technology and semantic database engines. Ontotext employs big knowledge graphs to enable unified data access and cognitive analytics via text mining and integration of data across multiple sources. Ontotext GraphDBтм engine and Ontotext Platform power business-critical systems in the biggest banks, pharma companies, media, market intelligence agencies, car and aerospace manufacturers.

Ontotext technology and solutions are spread wide across the value chain of the most knowledge-intensive enterprises in financial services, publishing, healthcare, pharma, manufacturing and public sectors. Leveraging AI and cognitive technologies, Ontotext helps enterprises get a competitive advantage, by connecting the dots of their proprietary knowledge and putting in the context of global intelligence.

As a member of W3C, ODI, STI, Linked Data Benchmark Council and DBPedia foundation, Ontotext supports the development of the next-generation technology trends and standards. With hundreds of scientific publications and thousands of citations and followers, Ontotext’s thought leadership extends to text analytics, semantic search, and reasoning.

Ontotext Platform

Ontotext Platform is a dynamic and constantly evolving ecosystem of components that solve a broad spectrum of data tasks at different levels. It consists of a set of databases, machine learning algorithms, APIs and tools for linking text and knowledge graphs. Ontotext Platform provides the technological architecture for semantic search, exploration, categorization, and recommendation, ultimately allowing for deeper data analytics.
Learn more here!


GraphDB is our leading RDF database for knowledge graphs. It allows diverse data linking, indexing data for semantic search, and enriching it via text analysis pipelines to build big knowledge graphs. GraphDB open-sourced its front-end and engine plugins to further empower knowledge graph development.
Learn more here!

At SEMANTiCS 2021, Ontotext will be represented both on-site and virtually. Peio Popov will be present on-site to answer any questions that the audience might have. He will also deliver a presentation with a topic: ‚KG transforms Entity Intelligence‘, during the first day of the conference.

Ontotext AD

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