Upstream - Managing Knowledge in the Oil & Gas Industry into the digital age.

"The vision for OMV Upstream is to become a digital frontrunner, thereby focusing on three major motions:

“Everything I need is just one click away” - Simple, on-demand access to information, people, and tools. Use of data anywhere, anytime via cloud-based technology.
“I understand how everything is interconnected” - Transparency of ongoing global activities. Working as an integrated ecosystem.
“I trust my digital tools” - Augmented understanding of options and their consequences. Decision making using AI and machine learning.

The intention of this presentation is to establish a first baseline – an OMV Upstream knowledge base - to link various sources of data (internal and external) and set them in relation to each other; hence providing a 360° view of how all components are interconnected. As opposed to data integrations, which are physically connecting specific data sources, the knowledge base acts as a reference map, leading to the various sources. It is an essential component for discovery of the knowledge contained in the documents and data. Specifically, to identify the content of documents and link it to the ecosystem. Linking data and documents will establish the one-click away experience and offer a common terminology to ease a reliable collaboration across the business disciplines."


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